Latest from the KiliCentric Blog

Welcome to the KiliCentric Blog, a blog that looks at life in the light of faith. I believe that every day is the perfect day to build a strong, close, trusting, and loving relationship with God, family and others, and to learn something new that will empower you in Faith, Life, and Work. @Kilicentric you will achieve this and much more.  I started this blog as an outlet to share and discuss the things that I love, as well as a place to let loose all the thoughts bouncing around in my head at any given moment, writing is both my trade and passion, my profession and vocation. The blog is comprised of both Posts on the matters of Church and Faith, Business and Technology. Please feel free to drop by and read what I post on a weekly basis.

"On a Mission to share Expertise, Build Smart Relationships, and Serve God's Kingdom"

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