Health education at community level is very crucial as it gives people the opportunity to know how to take care of themselves. It also helps people to help others by informing them of ways to better health.


In developing countries some 1.2 billion people - one sixth of the world's population - do not have access to clean water, and almost 2.5 billion lack knowledge of basic hygiene. Many people, most of them in tropical countries of the Third World, die of preventable, curable diseases. Thousands of babies are still dying daily from preventable causes – and pneumonia, diarrhea, malaria and malnutrition are killing millions of under-fives in the developing world. In fact, children in sub-Saharan Africa are 10 times more likely to die before the age of five than children in high-income countries.

Can’t basic health education to communities change this? Linking health and education can save lives. Better educated people are much less vulnerable to health risks, and when mothers in particular are educated they are more likely to make healthier choices for themselves and their children.

We believe that Health promotion improves the health status of individuals, families, communities, states, and the nation as a whole. For that to happen, there is a great need to provide effective community outreach and health education in community-based settings. Health education at community level is very crucial as it gives people the opportunity to know how to take care of themselves. It also helps people to help others by informing them of ways to better health.

The Afya Elimu Project is designed with the intention of delivering basic health education to the community. Apart from recruiting and training lay leaders from the community and religious organizations and senior communities to serve as health educators and health care liaisons for their own groups, the project also serves as a reminder on Community meeting points for better health.

Health education establishes People's awareness, skills, and encourages them to adopt positive attitudes towards their wellbeing. Health education is important to improve health status of the communities especially those in remote areas.

The education is delivered on:
> Community and public meeting places as well as Schools


Do you think you can give some of your time to help someone learn better ways to better health? Reach out today and learn how you can change and save lives through provision of basic health education to remote and un-accessed communities.

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